
  • Stenly Vianny Pondaag STF Seminari Pineleng
  • Damianus Pongoh Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Seminari Pineleng




The Liturgical Reform; Hermeneutics; Church; The Second Vatican Council; Liturgy


This article discussed the hermeneutics of the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council. Liturgical reform has been of the most important fruits that the Second Vatican Council produced for the life of the Church. However, the liturgical reform, especially the one of ordo missae, has been one of the most debated issues in the Catholic Church since the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) until now. The implementation of liturgical reform after the Second Vatican Council was not only welcomed with warm reception, but also with critical attitudes and even rejection. This article showed that the debates and controversies surrounding liturgical reform are rooted in different hermeneutics regarding the Second Vatican Council, and specifically regarding the Constitution of Liturgy. The problem actually arises from two conflicting and contradictory hermeneutics and interpretations. On the one hand there is a so-called hermeneutic of discontinuity and rupture. On the other hand, there is a hermeneutic of reform, or a hermeneutic of renewal in continuity with the one Church.

Author Biographies

Stenly Vianny Pondaag, STF Seminari Pineleng

Lahir di Woloan, pada tanggal 29 Mei 1977. Ia menyelesaikan Program Doktor Teologi (S-3) di Universitas Innsbruck Austria pada tahun 2018 dengan spesialisasi Teologi Liturgi. Sejak tahun 2018, ia menjadi dosen teologi liturgi di Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Seminari Pineleng.

Damianus Pongoh, Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Seminari Pineleng

Lahir di Tara-tara, Sulawesi Utara pada 16 November 1967. Ia menyelesaikan pendidikan S-1 Filsafat pada tahun 1994 di Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Seminari Pineleng, dan S-2 pada tahun 2004 di Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies (PISAI) Roma, Italia. Sejak 2021, beliau menempuh Program Doktoral (S-3) Manajemen Pendidikan di Universitas Negeri Manado. Selain tugas mengajar, aktif sebagai Presidium Badan Kerjasama Antarumat Beragama (BKSAUA) Propinsi Sulawesi Utara sejak tahun 2018, dan sebagai Ketua Biro Pembangunan dan Pengembangan Aset Keuskupan Manado.


