Bahaya Keterlibatan Hierarki Gereja dalam Politik Praktis


  • Joseph Ohoiledjaan Seminari Tinggi Santo Fransiskus Xaverius Ambon
  • Ignasius Samson Sudirman Refo STPAK St. Yohanis Penginjil Ambon


Hierarki, Politik Praktis, Gereja Katolik.


The purpose of this article is to explore the dangers of hierarchical involvement in practical politics and its impact on political stability, freedom of expression, and political participation of the community. The method used in this article is by using a qualitative approach with a library research method. This method will include an analysis of case studies and related literature. The results obtained from this article are the declining public trust in the church. The loss of reputation of the hierarchy in the church, which is independent and neutral in political affairs. The confusion in policy-making that has a negative impact on society. The prioritization of political interests and the abuse of church positions in their duty to teach justice and morality.


Author Biographies

Joseph Ohoiledjaan, Seminari Tinggi Santo Fransiskus Xaverius Ambon

Joseph Ohoiledjaan lahir di Haar 16 Mei 1994. Menyelesaikan Studi S1 Filsafat pada tahun 2020 di Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Seminari Pineleng. Menyelesaikan S2 (non gelar) pada tahun 2023 di Seminari Tinggi St. Fransiskus Xaverius Ambon. Pada bulan Juli 2023 ditugaskan sebagai staf pembina di Seminari Tahun Orientasi Rohani (TOR) Simon Vaz Tobelo.

Ignasius Samson Sudirman Refo, STPAK St. Yohanis Penginjil Ambon

Ignasius Samson Sudirman Refo S.S., M.A. adalah dosen tetap bidang ilmu sosiologi di Sekolah Tinggi Pendidikan Agama Katolik (STPAK) St. Yohanes Penginjil Ambon. Rektor Seminari Tinggi St. Fransiskus Xaverius Ambon. Belajar filsafat di Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Seminari Pineleng. Meraih gelar Master dalam bidang Ilmu Sosial di Prancis.




How to Cite

Ohoiledjaan, J., & Refo, I. S. S. . (2024). Bahaya Keterlibatan Hierarki Gereja dalam Politik Praktis. Jurnal Seri Mitra (Refleksi Ilmiah Pastoral), 3(1), 173 - 185. Retrieved from