Identitas Kristiani yang Berakar dalam Keyahudian: Berdasarkan Studi atas Pentakosta sebagai Kelahiran Gereja


  • Stenly Vianny Pondaag Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Seminari Pineleng


The article deals with an important issue in Christianity, namely the root of Christianity in Judaism. The issue presupposes a theological relationship between Christianity and Judaism, or between the Church and the Synagogue. As a starting point of the study, the author tries to examine the meaning of the Pentecost that connects Christianity and Judaism. In this regard, the main question is how to explain the identification of Pentecost as the beginning of the Church. One of the main findings of this study is that the identification of Pentecost as the beginning of the Church is closely related to the celebration of the Seven Weeks in the Jewish tradition as the root of Pentecost. Suppose the Jews view the Sinai event as the beginning of their formation as God's people. In that case, the Feast of Seven Weeks or Pentecost is also an opportunity for them to commemorate the formation of Israel as God's people. Moreover, the article offers an important consideration regarding the dialogue between Christianity and Judaism. The encounter between Christianity and Judaism is not understood merely as an external issue in the context of interreligious dialogue, but rather as a profound matter of Christian identity. If the Church wants to reflect on itself and its own identity, then the Church will automatically speak about Judaism. In Judaism, the Church finds the roots and basis of her identity.

Author Biography

Stenly Vianny Pondaag, Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Seminari Pineleng

Stenly Viany Pondaag lahir di Woloan 29 Mei 1977. Tahun 2003 menyelesaikan program Strata-1 Program Studi Filsafat di Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Seminari Pineleng. Pada tahun 2014 menyelesaikan Program Magister Teologi (S2) di Leopold-Franzens-Univerität Innsbruck, Austria dan Program Doktorcal Teologi (S3) pada tahun 2018 di Universitas yang sama. Sejak tahun 2018 bertugas sebagai staf pengajar di Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Seminari Pineleng dan mengajar Mata Kuliah Liturgi. Saat menjabat sebagai Ketua LMPI di Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Seminari Pineleng.




How to Cite

Pondaag, S. V. (2023). Identitas Kristiani yang Berakar dalam Keyahudian: Berdasarkan Studi atas Pentakosta sebagai Kelahiran Gereja. Jurnal Seri Mitra (Refleksi Ilmiah Pastoral), 2(2), 84 - 96. Retrieved from