Paham Politik Identitas Menurut Francis Fukuyama

(Sebuah Kajian Filsafat Moral)


  • Alosius Gonsaga No Sekolah Tinggi FIlsafat Seminari Pineleng
  • Barnabas Ohoiwutun STF Seminari Pineleng


Francis Fukuyama, demokrasi liberal, politik identitas, tuntutan pengakuan.


This article intends to explain on Francis Fukuyama’s idea of the politics of identity Fukuyama suggests that identity politics can threaten the stability of liberal democracy by dividing society based on group identities such as ethnicity, race, religion, or gender. In explaining the phenomenon of identity politics, Fukuyama highlights the demand for recognition based on the concept of thymos, a psychological aspect of human beings seeking acknowledgment. According to him, individuals and groups have a fundamental need for their dignity and identity to be recognized. When these demands are unmet, feelings of dissatisfaction and injustice can arise, leading to social and political conflict. He emphasizes the importance of moral values such as freedom, justice, and respect for individual rights. He contends that liberal democracy must be supported by a strong moral foundation to endure and thrive amidst modern challenges. Francis Fukuyama's thoughts provide valuable insights into how to sustain and strengthen liberal democracy in the contemporary era. By understanding the impact of identity politics and the demand for recognition, as well as reaffirming a commitment to fundamental moral values, societies can maintain stability and justice within the liberal democratic system.

Author Biographies

Alosius Gonsaga No, Sekolah Tinggi FIlsafat Seminari Pineleng

Aloysius Gonzaga No adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Ilmu Filsafat STF Seminari Pineleng. Menyelesaikan studi pada Juni 2024. Minatnya pada filsafat politik.

Barnabas Ohoiwutun, STF Seminari Pineleng

Barnabas Ohoiwutun adalah dosen filsafat di STF Seminari Pineleng. Meraih S2 filsafat di Univesity of St. Tomas Manila Philippines (2010) dan S3 di STF Driyarkara Jakarta (2019). Kini menjabat sebagai Ketua STF Seminari Pineleng.




How to Cite

No, A. G., & Ohoiwutun, B. (2024). Paham Politik Identitas Menurut Francis Fukuyama : (Sebuah Kajian Filsafat Moral). Jurnal Seri Mitra (Refleksi Ilmiah Pastoral), 3(2), 218 - 234. Retrieved from